About Us
The Nigerian Islamic Association (N.I.A.) is a 501 ( c) corporation borne by the vision of an array of young Nigerian Immigrants who in the late 1980s came together as a group to create a religious and cultural identity for fellow Nigerians and the larger African community in Chicago. It all began with small congregational prayer meetings every Sunday at members’ houses in turns and later moved to a rented space on W. Foster Avenue, Chicago. In 1994, the Organization acquired its first and current location on 932 W Sheridan Road, Chicago, 60613, and has continued to grow in membership and programs. As of today, the Nigerian Islamic Association is one of the largest Nigerian Muslim communities in the United States of America.

The N.I.A. is the cradle of all other Nigerian Muslim Communities in Chicagoland. The Center has always served as a place of worship for all Muslims and as a community center to a large extent. Families have grown and new families continue to spring up. Children are raised and nurtured with Quranic and Islamic education alongside Western education, thus resulting in well-branded citizens with pride in their Islamic faith and their socio-cultural heritage without sacrificing their American identity and good citizenship. The day-to-day running of the N.I.A. is funded by donations from members; managed through members volunteering service. The Organization offers regular five daily prayers, Jumat Prayer service, Lutfullah prayers, weekly Assalat congregation, weekend Quran and Islamic learning classes, monthly Halqah, welfare assistance program, preventive and wellness health service among others.
With continuous membership growth, the compelling need to cater to members now living miles away from the current location, and the need to provide opportunities for Muslims living or working around the southeast axis of Chicago, the Southside Islamic Center is coming soon on 8561 S. South Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL.
If you want to know more about us, click on contact us for information about how to reach us.